Do you need help when moving out?

Does your landlord demand your entire deposit when moving out, has the landlord not obeyed the law regarding move out report or something third? Get a free and non-binding assessment of your case at DIGURA and let us handle your potential case.

How can we help you?

Unreasonably high cost of bills or the landlord has demanded too much

We see a lot of tenants where the landlords send out far too high bills or where the landlord refurbishes far more than necessary.

Haven't received a report when moving in and/or out​

There is a big chance that the law has not been obeyed if you have not received a report when moving in and/or out.

The landlord will not pay back your deposit

Does your landlord refuse to pay back your deposit or are you not able to get in touch with your landlord? We can help you. 

You have to refurbish more than the law requires

Many tenants still believe that they have to deliver the premises fully refurbished. Often, that is not the case – and that will save the tenant a lot of money.

When you need to vacate your tenancy

If you are in the situation that you are about to vacate your tenancy or may have already moved, you will most likely also wonder how much of your deposit your landlord might keep.

Unfortunately, we often find that tenants are sent bills for unreasonable repairs, which can either not be documented, which have been sent too late, or which are simply unfair. 

However, even though you may have the feeling that your landlord is withholding your deposit for no reasonable reason, it can still be difficult to know exactly how to proceed.

Therefore, you can read much more here about how to vacate your tenancy in the very best way, and at the same time secure as much of your deposit as possible.

What is a moving out inspection?

When you have to vacate your rental home, an moving out inspection will in, all probability, be held. Here, the condition of the lease will be reviewed together with the landlord to clarify how much the lease must be repaired before a new tenant can move in.

If your landlord only rents out one home, then the moving out inspection is not a requirement, but if your landlord has more than one tenancy, then the inspection must be held.

How should I prepare for the moving-out inspection?

Basically, it’s always a good idea to hand over the lease in the condition in which you received it. However, it is very different what a landlord requires from a vacancy view, as well as how detailed they go to work.

Feel free to take a lot of pictures before the inspection is held, so you can document the condition of the lease, which you can also compare with the pictures that you naturally took when you moved into the lease.

This allows you to protect yourself against any unreasonable renovation claims that your landlord may try to make you liable for, in connection with faults and defects that were already in the tenancy when you moved in.

In addition, you should pay special attention to who has the internal maintenance obligation. If it is now the landlord who is responsible for this, you will not be able to be imposed on the large claims.

In the vast majority of cases, however, it is you as a tenant who has the internal maintenance obligation, which is why you are required to paint, varnish, etc. However, your landlord can never demand that the tenancy is put in better condition when you move from your home than when you took it over.

Am I entitled to conduct a pre inspection?

If you take the initiative and find it necessary, then you can request that a pre inspection be held.

A pre inspection can give you a sense of what your landlord expects from the condition of the tenancy when you vacate.

If there is something that your landlord is not completely satisfied with in relation to cleaning, painting, etc., then you just have an extra opportunity to make the lease in good condition and possibly save some money.

However, always keep in mind that the pre inspection is not an official moving out inspection, and there may therefore be things in connection with the renovation that your landlord does not make you aware of. So the pre inspection should be used solely to get the feel of whether you have done your last reparations properly.

Should the landlord be present during the inspection?

Your landlord does not necessarily have to be present during the moving out inspection. It is also allowed to be represented by another person, for example: can be a family member, a caretaker or a completely third person. 

As long as a power of attorney has been given to the other person, they can, in principle; act on behalf of the landlord. The landlord can thus give a power of attorney to a person who is thus responsible for the sight.

Deadlines for a moving out inspection?

Your landlord does not have all the time in the world to hold the moving out  inspection, and there are certain deadlines that you should be aware of are being met. Again, there is a big difference between whether your landlord is just renting out a single lease or multiple leases.

Landlord rents out more than one lease?

If your landlord has more than one tenancy and thus goes under the term “professional landlord”, he or she is obliged to hold the moving out inspection no later than two weeks after you have vacated the tenancy, and you are entitled to be summoned to the inspection with one-week notice.

If this does not happen, then the landlord loses the right to claim renovation claims, and you must thus have your deposit refunded, unless of course you have damaged or mismanaged the tenancy.

If you are summoned during a week’s notice and choose to participate, it will be considered that you have accepted the shorter deadline, and your landlord can thus maintain the right to demand repairs.

Landlord rents out only one lease?

If your landlord only rents out a single tenancy, then there is actually no obligation to hold moving out inspections.

However, the landlord has a deadline of two weeks, to tell you what needs to be repaired, which starts from the day the keys are handed over.

If you do not receive any kind of notification or report within the deadline regarding what needs to be repaired, the landlord will basically lose the right to be able to demand repairs.

Afraid of being defrauded by your landlord?

Unfortunately, we see a lot of tenants being defrauded in relation to moving in. We want to make amends. Get a free assessment of your case down below - Maybe we can find errors in your lease or help secure your deposit in the future.

Good tips and tricks for your moving out inspection.

Before we move on to the actual moving out report, we have compiled a list of the best advice that we can give you along the way in relation to the moving out view. Then you always have the opportunity to easily get an overview of what you need to pay special attention to.

1. Always remember to get the receipt that you have handed in the keys.

2. You must not sign any moving out report if you disagree or partially disagree with what is stated therein.

3. Review the checklist that you have been given at the move-in inspection. In all probability, it will be the same list on which the moving out view is based.

4.If you do not have the checklist in question, ask your landlord so that you both have the same starting point.

5. Take lots of pictures! Better to be safe than sorry. Pictures are your best way to document the condition of the lease. And when you compare them with the pictures from when you moved in, you secure yourself in the best possible way in the event of disagreements.

6. It may be a good idea to have a family member or a good friend by your side, for the sight itself. The feeling of not having objections can be frustrating, which is why it can help to have the support of someone you know

What is a moving out report?

A moving out report is a condition report that your landlord is required to prepare for you as a tenant when you vacate your tenancy.

It is basically an overview of the condition of the lease, and it can also be described as a relocation statement.

The moving out report must document what you as a tenant are liable for and what you have to pay in renovation claims.

If you do not receive a report, your landlord will not be able to withhold your deposit unless you have obviously maintained the lease.

As a tenant, you are entitled to receive a copy of the report when the inspection has been completed, and it is up to you whether you want the copy by email or in physical format.

If you choose to receive the eviction report via e-mail, you must send an e-mail back to the landlord stating that you have received the e-mail before you end the eviction inspection.

Likewise, the eviction report must be signed by both parties.

Do not sign the report if you disagree. Should this be the case, the landlord has 2 weeks to send you a new report.

What should I be extra concerned about?

The first thing you as a vacating tenant need to be aware of is whether your landlord has prepared and handed out a move-in report and a moving-out report.

Again, it is important to know if the landlord rents out one or more leases. If it is a professional landlord, and neither a move-in report nor a move-out report has been prepared, the landlord loses his right to demand repairs.

Most often, the move-in report is based on the move-in report and is most often based on the move-in report, and both reports must document the condition of the lease at both move-in and move-out.

As we have mentioned before, take too many pictures rather than too few. Then you have at least your back covered in terms of documentation.

No Cure, No Pay

How does it function?

You submit the case

You fill out our formular and attach relevant documents.

DIGURA assesses the case

We asses your case based on the information that we have received. We offer to take your case, if we assess that your case has potential. You only pay if we win your case. 

DIGURA conducts the case

First, we enter into a dialogue with your landlord with a view to a settlement agreement. If this does not succeed, we will take the matter to the Rent Committee.

Is your lease from before or after 2015?

In 2015, a new tenancy law was passed, which has actually had a major impact on the rules regarding renovation when a tenant vacates the tenancy.

The Rent Act from 2015 has been in adjusting the rules for the landlord’s right to demand renovation. But what matters is whether your lease is entered into before or after July 1, 2015.

For example, if you have entered into a lease before this date and you have moved into a newly refurbished lease, then the landlord will be able to use your deposit for refurbishment. However, if you have only entered into the lease after that date, it is only a requirement that you leave the lease as you took it over.

A so-called normal renovation usually involves necessary whitewashing, painting and wallpapering of walls, intermediate sanding and varnishing of floors, as well as painting of wood and iron.

5 good tips for moving out.

As a summary of everything you have just read above, we will give you 5 overall good tips on how to vacate your lease in the best way.

1. Make sure to fill in the move-in report thoroughly

The first thing you should definitely do is not actually the actual move out but rather your move in.

Now get a thorough piece of work done in connection with the move-in report as well as the list of errors and deficiencies, so that you can document the condition of the lease when you moved in.

Remember it! Pictures, pictures and pictures!

2. We repeat again! Remember to take pictures

Although we have mentioned it several times on the page here including just above, we would like to emphasize the importance of taking pictures one more time.

Pictures are a perfect complement to both the occupancy report and the moving out report, and should your landlord start with unreasonable demands, you always have documentation of the actual condition of the tenancy.

3. Review the checklist from the move-in inspection

It is a good idea to review the checklist you have from the point of view of moving in. The landlord will most likely go through the same things, which is why you can repair these areas on your own before the landlord holds a moving out inspection.

4. Do not sign if you disagree!

If your landlord has sent you a relocation statement that you disagree with or partially disagree with, do not sign the report. A signed report is your consent to your agreement with that content.

5. Bring a friend to the moving out inspection, so you are not alone with the landlord.

Last advice is about the very view of moving out. Many tenants may find it difficult to say no to their landlord, which is why it may be a good idea to have someone with you who you know well.

Especially if you are inexperienced with moving out situations, a good friend, parent or other person you trust may be a good idea, so you do not sign a report that you do not actually agree with.

We are ready to help you with your lease.