Are you being charged with illegal payments?

Maybe are you being charged for additional services such as stair-wash, PBS-fee, vacancy fee or something similar? Get a free and non-binding assessment of your case at DIGURA and let us handle your possible case.

How can we help you?

Unspecified additional charges

The landlord has not specified in your rent charge what any additional charges are, and has only collected them under one term.


It is always illegal to charge for any administration or insurance fee - even though it is stated in the lease.

Maintenance services​

If you are being charged for services such as stair-wash, snow removal, renovation or hedge trimming, then all of these are also illegal.

Help with refund​

If you have been scammed by your landlord, we help claim the repayment after the limitation period of 3 years.

No Cure, No Pay

How does it work?

You submit the case​

You fill out our formular and attach relevant documents.

DIGURA assesses the case

We asses your case based on the information that we have received. We offer to take your case, if we assess that your case has potential. You only pay if we win your case. 

DIGURA conducts the case

First, we enter into a dialogue with your landlord with a view to a settlement agreement. If this does not succeed, we will take the matter to the Rent Committee.